We strongly recommend you download and print the NR Information Document below.  This provides full details of the 2024 National Rally.

 NR24 Information Document 


For all enquiries, please contact us via the numbers below.


Registration for the 2024 Jaguar National Rally in Tasmania is a totally on-line process.  It has been designed to be as simply as possible, and gives you plenty of information and instructions as you go.

Completing the Registration section is mandatory, as this gives us all your contact details, dietary requirements, etc. 
You must purchase ONE Registration Fee ticket per booking (for a single or couple.)
You must also purchase a ticket for EACH AND EVERY person attending the Rally.  (eg, for a couple, select TWO tickets.)

After that, you can register for any or all of the other events as required.  You can also purchase a selection of National Rally Regalia.

Payment can be made via a credit or debit card, or via PayPal (although the latter will incur a small additional processing charge from PayPal.)

More detailed instructions for the Booking System are contained on the front page of that system.  If you have any questions or problems, please contact Tony for booking support – see contact information below.

We strongly recommend you download and print the NR Information Document below.  This provides full details of the 2024 National Rally.

 NR24 Information Document 

Once you have read and decided on your participation in the Rally, you may proceed to the online Booking System.

 Online Booking System 



For all enquiries, please contact us via the numbers below.


Rally Director:  Jenni Appleby – 0438 807 646       
Sporting Day Director:  Chris Edwards – 0427 731 533
Booking Support:
  Tony Sadleir – 0418 807 285

