The 2024 Jaguar National Rally has now completed.  It was a great success, and the weather was kind to all attendees.

We would welcome your feedback on the Rally;  how was it for you?  What did we do right – or wrong – so we can improve for next time?

Please email your comments to

The NR Organizing Committee hopes you enjoyed our Rally and look forward to seeing you all again in the future.

2024 Jaguar National Rally

Hobart, Tasmania 12th – 15th April 2024
West Coast, Tasmania 16th – 20th April 2024


The members of the Jaguar Car Cub of Tasmania (JCCT) warmly invite you to be part of the Jaguar National Rally in April 2024.

The Rally will be held in two stages.  Stage one commences in Hobart, where the Rally headquarters will be the Wrest Point casino complex in Sandy Bay, just minutes from the Hobart CBD,

Stage two of the Rally will be based on the wild and exciting West Coast of Tasmania, where the headquarters moves to the Strahan Village complex.   Strahan (pronounced  strorn ) is a picture-postcard small township, on the shores of the amazing Macquarie Harbour.

Both resorts provide easy access to an amazing range of activities and places, and we have arranged the Rally program to allow you to mix-and-match activities to suit your own requirements.

It is the people that make our clubs enjoyable and in getting together from all over the country to see some of our beautiful state you will be sure to make some lasting friendships and wonderful memories.

You will be most welcome in Tasmania, we hope to see you here in 2024. 

The Rally Committee

National Rally 2024

We strongly recommend you download and print the NR Information Document below.  This provides full details of the 2024 National Rally.

 NR24 Information Document 



Rally Director:  Jenni Appleby – 0438 807 646       
Sporting Day Director:  Chris Edwards – 0427 731 533
Booking Support:
  Tony Sadleir – 0418 807 285
